Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart's Career Day is an annual event that brings alumnae back to meet, interact with, and inspire today's students. The event began with a full-school assembly in the auditorium, where the students heard from keynote speaker Jodie Antoniadis '09.
Jodie shared the path that led her to her current position as a development manager for Make-A-Wish. Even while at SHA, Jodie knew she wanted to pursue a career in which she could help people. Initially, she thought this might mean a future in the medical field. While pursuing her undergraduate degree in public health at the University of Rochester, she volunteered for a Relay for Life event through the American Cancer Society. It was this club activity that introduced her to non-profit work and set the course for her career. Jodie reminded the students that every experience is an opportunity to learn and can help shape the future they dream of.
Following the keynote presentation, students participated in small group sessions with four different presenters of their choice. The fields ranged from engineering and teaching to law—providing something to spark the curiosity of each student. A senior remarked, "Career Day is super helpful. It definitely helped me decide what I’m going to study in college next year!" Each presenter generously offered to be a continuing resource for students via phone or email.
Research shows that girls benefit from seeing successful women in rewarding careers. For this reason, Sacred Heart's Alumnae Relations Coordinator, Sydney Schmidt Chambrone '15, spends the year recruiting alumnae volunteers to ensure a balanced field of speakers. Students have the chance to connect with different speakers throughout each of their four years at SHA. If you are interested in sharing your professional journey at Career Day 2026, please contact Sydney at [email protected].