“It is through giving that we receive.” – St. Francis of Assisi
The Annual Loyalty FundDonations to the Annual Loyalty Fund provide scholarships and financial assistance to deserving students, state of the art facilities, innovative curriculum, and robust electives. Donations can be made in memory of or to honor a loved one, or as a donation towards a class gift.
Make a gift today!
Events The Sacred Heart Academy family gathers together to raise money and celebrate our community at our spring
Sandstone Dinner Auction,
Sister Maria Pares, OSF '58 Golf Tournament and Luncheon, Walkathon in October, and the
Christus Super Omnia Scholarship and Awards Dinner. These events provide a significant portion of what the school can award as scholarships and financial aid. We hope you will attend or lend your support as a sponsor, donor or volunteer to help make these events successful.
A Gift in Your WillFor many, remembering Sacred Heart Academy allows a contribution that supports the future of the Academy, builds a legacy, and that has now immediate financial impact to the donor. Members of our
St. Francis Bequest Society are recognized in our annual report and are invited to attend several special events at SHA so they can fully experience our mission at work.
Scholarships Scholarships provide the opportunity for deserving young women to receive a Sacred Heart Academy education.
Establishing a scholarship is an especially personal and meaningful way to support students of Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart as individual benefactors can name a scholarship to memorialize a loved one or to create a legacy. Scholarship benefactors are invited to award their scholarship and interact with their scholarship recipients on special occasions. Classes and teams, in addition to individuals, are welcome to establish a scholarship as a lasting tribute to their special time together at SHA.
For more information on these giving options, call the Advancement Office
834-2101 ext. 352.
Why Support Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart?
Heide Herrmann ’91 Magistrate Judge in Washington D.C. Christus Super Omnia Distinguished Alumna (2017) Donor to the Annual Loyalty Fund "Here’s why I tell people that I’m proud to have gone to Sacred Heart, and why I support it in any way I can: Sacred Heart teaches women their value; hundreds of women. And it teaches them to serve others; hundreds of women. These hundreds of women can be an Army of Good – they can go out and find the people who aren’t as lucky and don’t know their value. That’s who SHA is sending out into the world: powerful women who know their power, and know how to use it for good."It is with deep gratitude that we celebrate those who support Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart at every level. Join our list of supporters with your online gift.